My Schedule for Boskone 53

Jan 24, 2016 16:00

Here's my schedule for Boskone 53, February 19-21, 2016, at the Westin Boston Waterfront:

Friday, 7:00 PM, Griffin
Reading: Kenneth Schneyer. I'll be reading my short story, "Who Embodied What We Are".

Saturday, 10:00 AM, Marina 4
Theories of Time Travel
As improbable as it seems, is time travel possible? What scientific theories are out there that hint at what it might take to turn time travel into a reality? What practical issues need to be considered? What are some of the best time travel stories and how does their science hold up? Who’s doing it right? And is time travel really just science fiction?
James Cambias (M), Heather Albano, John R. Douglas, Kenneth Schneyer, Jo Walton

Saturday, 1:00 PM, Harbor III
100 Years of Relativity
Next month marks a century since Albert Einstein published his seminal work The Theory of General Relativity. It was our first clue that space bends, time warps, and black holes’ gravity sucks at both light and time. What did Einstein get right - and wrong? Do his ideas still ripple through our own time? For extra credit, panelists will reconcile general relativity with quantum theory.
Mark L. Olson (M), Janet Catherine Johnston, N.A. Ratnayake, Kenneth Schneyer

Saturday, 9:00 PM, Marina 1
Superhero Open Mic
Kapow! Live from Boskone … enjoy the knock-out stylings of our program participants and audience members who share their open mic skills in the first-ever Superhero Open Mic. Each person gives his/her best 5-minute superhero performance - story, poem, song, skit, interpretive dance, or whatever! OPTIONAL: For extra appeal, feel free to come dressed as a superhero! The Rules: Boskone members are invited to join our participants in the open mic by signing up for one of the eight open slots at the door to the event, which opens for sign-ups at 8:30 pm. Each performer is given a firm 5-minute time limit (max), including set-up time. So a quick transition between acts is key. Walter H. Hunt (Emcee), Kenneth Schneyer (Emcee), C.S.E. Cooney, Carrie Cuinn, E.C. Myers, Garth Nix, Don Pizarro, Lauren Roy, Mary Ellen Wessels
Sunday, 10:00 AM, Marina 4
Dealing With Rejection
Getting rejected is difficult. It can be hard to find the motivation to go on when you feel like you’re not gaining any headway. Our panelists share their own experiences with rejection, what kept them going, what hard truths they faced, and what changes they made to keep working.
James Patrick Kelly (M), Barry Goldblatt, Bob Kuhn, Kenneth Schneyer, Darlene Marshall

Sunday, 11:00 AM
Room: Marina 2
Cambridge Science Fiction Workshop Reading
This year is the 35th anniversary of the Cambridge Science Fiction Workshop. Come join local members for their annual reading at Boskone!
Steven Popkes (M), Sarah Smith, Heather Albano, James Cambias, Kenneth Schneyer, Alexander Jablokov

And I'm proud to announce that my son will be on a panel this year too!

Friday, 6:00 PM, Marina 2
What Kids Are REALLY Reading
This savvy panel of teenage fans shares what they’ve been reading lately. Also, find out what’s on their “To Be Read” lists, what they’re actively avoiding, and what they’re tired of trudging through. Plus … what kinds of stories do they look for when they’re browsing the booksellers?
Emma Caywood (M), Alexis Baker, Ophelia Goss, Arek Schneyer, Iris Wilde

science fiction, panels, arek schneyer, time travel, fantasy, who embodied what we are, rejections, fiction writing, relativity, conventions, boskone

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