Here are my monthly stats for February:
- 6,300 new words of fiction written this month. 1
- 14 first drafts currently in progress. 2
- 1 first draft currently "ripening" before second draft. 3
- 0 second drafts currently in progress
- 1 second draft currently in the hands of "trusted readers."
- 3 third drafts currently in progress.4
- 0 third drafts currently awaiting polishing.
- 1 fourth draft in currently in progress.
- 11 stories currently submitted to markets
- 100 words in shortest story currently submitted.
- 14,000 words in longest story currently submitted.
- 0 offers of publication received this month.
- Longest current wait without response: 278 days.
1 More than January, more than my median, but still not very good. The end of our Winter term, at the end of February, messes me up a bit.
2 I always have a lot of first drafts "in progress," until one of them really grabs me and I work on it obsessively. The new fantasy-horror story mentioned above is all I've touched for days now; it's nearly complete.
3 I employ a six-week "ripening" period for first drafts. That's where the new story will go when the draft is complete.
4 These have been stuck, stuck, stuck for a long time. They're stories where the second drafts were so badly flawed that I had to start from scratch again. And then I did, and sort of lost steam; it's hard to muster enthusiasm for the task.