My Arisia 2015 Schedule

Jan 05, 2015 23:33

Here is my schedule for Arisia, January 16-19, Boston Westin Waterfront:

Remembering Robin Williams -Friday, 8:30 pm - 9:45 pm - Marina 1 (2E)

The world lost one of the great funnymen last year when Robin Williams died. From his start as Mork from Ork through cult hits like Toys and Hook to big budget movies like Jumanji and Aladdin, he’s worked in some incredibly memorable genre roles as well. Join us as we remember some of his greatest moments.

Hanna Lee Rubin Abramowitz, Daniel M Kimmel (m), Santiago Rivas, Ken Schneyer, Cheryl Wallace

Character Dynamics - Saturday, 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm - Hale (3W)

You have your cast of characters, now how do you get them to interact the way you want? How can you make them fight, love, and laugh at each other convincingly? How do you make changes in a relationship between characters come about naturally, rather than seeming forced? Our panelists will elucidate on the finer points of getting your characters to behave with each other on the page the way you imagine them in your head.

M. L. Brennan, Jeffrey A. Carver (m), Timothy Goyette, Suzanne Palmer, Ken Schneyer

Fear Is the Mind-Killer: Dune at Fifty - Sunday, 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm - Marina 2 (2E)

In 1965, Frank Herbert’s Dune, which went on to win the 1966 Hugo award, was published. Arriving in the wake of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring a few years earlier, Dune was perhaps the first SF novel to explore ecology on a grand scale. It has spawned several sequels, been adapted into multiple filmed adaptations, and inspired countless works of music in several genres. Come celebrate the 50th anniversary of this seminal work.

John Chu, Max Gladstone, Karl G Heinemann, Ken Schneyer (m), Heather Urbanski

Managing Backstory - Monday 11:30 am - 12:45 pm - Hale (3W)

The backstory is the set of events that happened before your main story begins. These details cover everything from a character’s personal history to the origins of the world itself. How does an author relay that information effectively? How do you determine what should be backstory and what should take center stage?

Genevieve Iseult Eldredge, Elaine Isaak (m), Rachel Kenley, Suzanne Palmer, Ken Schneyer

Reading: Crooks, DeCandido, Schneyer - Monday, 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm- Bulfinch (3W)

Authors Morgan Crooks, Keith R. A. DeCandido, and Ken Schneyer read selections from their works.

Morgan Crooks, Keith R. A. DeCandido, Ken Schneyer

writing, conventions, panels, arisia, readings

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