PC Fair

Dec 09, 2007 00:26

Sien till the max !!!!!

Anyway, tomorrow got PC FAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!

PIKOM PC Fair 2007 (III)

Date:  7-9 Dec 2007
Venue:  KL Convention Centre, Conference Halls 1,2,3

Well, I have planned for a long time to get myself an external hard disk. But still not sure yet.
Any recommendations?? Which brand is better and cheaper???

Haih... see first see first... : ( Read more... )

crap, pc fair, bored

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Comments 32

soveren December 8 2007, 17:16:29 UTC
shop shop shop :D


ken_ninja December 8 2007, 17:17:43 UTC
hahaha, but need $$$.... :P


soveren December 8 2007, 17:18:44 UTC

i try to avoid maxtor btw, even though i have 2

i got a buffalo NAS drive, so far so good
*touch wood*


ken_ninja December 8 2007, 17:20:46 UTC
gehehehehehehe.. :P
ohh, how much you bought?


seaweeds December 8 2007, 18:37:51 UTC
get seagate freeagent ... it is veryy good ... got inbuilt software for syncronising etc .. geggege


ken_ninja December 9 2007, 02:32:54 UTC
ohhohhh.... "seagate freeagent" is it? tqtq
I go and check.... :D
how's the price?


seaweeds December 9 2007, 04:06:34 UTC
errr ... I bot for RM269 for 120gig .. comes complete with casing etc. and it looks quite nice gegegeeee


ken_ninja December 9 2007, 04:17:59 UTC
ohhh.. sounds nice! :D
going now.. :P


boyarmy December 9 2007, 04:48:34 UTC
well, it depends how you are gonna use it. If you plan to carry it around very often, then get a 2.5 inch disk. It will cost more than the 3.5 inch but the size matters when u carry it around. Moreover, it uses power only from the USB port ( ... )


jeromz December 9 2007, 06:51:05 UTC
thanks for the TIPS!!!


boyarmy December 9 2007, 14:42:46 UTC
you are welcome :)


ken_ninja December 9 2007, 10:08:49 UTC
wooooo such good info!! :D thx for the info yea!
I read this only when i came back from PC fair. And it's almost like what you said, but slightly cheaper.

" These three are the most trusted ones, but if you ask me, I will go for Western Digital anytime. "
Yea the one i bought is Western Digital. :P just like what you recommended. hehe


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