Jan 19, 2009 00:56
Today is the last day of the whole activity. Going back on 20th, 6am flight.
It was quite a nice trip in Sabah here, and it was kinda an eye opener for me.
Saw lotsa crappy, idiotic people, those so called future doctors. Ha ha, was annoyed and irritated at first but, pity them on the other hand. And I felt lucky I was educated by my parents in the way that with, at least, basic manners.
Definitely, there are nice people around which I learned something from them. Glad to gained lotsa new knowledges about health promotion this time, and I learned to take blood pressure with the BP set, learned to take blood glucose level with glucometer, and lotsa other things. Enjoyed the process that I went out to each villagers' houses to invite them out for the health promotion and free body check up.
They were surprisingly friendly and kind to me. =)
Took lotsa pics, really alot, until I couldn't believe.
Exchanged lotsa name cards.
Met some new and old friends, that I should cherish the opportunity to keep them back in touch.
Okie I shall go to bed, tomorrow the last day in Sabah!! hehehehe