Another day...

Feb 29, 2008 21:46

Wooohooo!! Finally finished marking all the exam scripts from all the 5 classes. Going to distribute them tomorrow or later... :)

This afternoon when I was marking paper, I suddenly burst out when I saw one of the answer. Miss Chia who sits in front of me turned back and asked me what happened. I showed her the paper. (She is the form teacher of that student.)
The answer is really a direct translate from Chinese to English.

Ans: Go there want careful, because across road.

This might sound senseless if you do not know mandarin.

You see the Chinese version: 去那里要小心, 因为过马路。

See! Nothing wrong right? HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

And lotsa msn language was used, for example "u", "wan", etc
tsk tsk.....


Everyday I will overhear some funny conversation among teachers in the office.
So today one is from Mdm Opiah.... ;P
Mdm Opiah : Aiyooo... Ms Goh, you know what ah?
Ms Goh : What happened?
Mdm Opiah : Today I was in your class when they were having exam. And I saw this student XXX hand-writing is very big, the space will be not enough! So I suggested him to write smaller. You know what he said? He said : "Teacher it's for your sake you know, I write big so that you can see, you old liao mah!" ....
Ms Goh : *gasps*

Me : *giggles*

But something very sien is, tomorrow got work too, as Chinese independent schools have normal classes on Saturday. Sighhh...... Feel so reluctant to wake up....

crap, teach, school

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