Community Service (Part 1)

Jul 02, 2008 23:23

I didn't expect the place I was sent to for my Community Service week. I didn't expect that I would stay in school, instead of staying somewhere else in UK. However, I was glad that Kike and Christine would be going with me to the same place. We went to Vale of Evesham.

I was late on the first day and Christine got il. Therefore, only Kike and me went to Evesham, with Miss Webb as our driver of the week. I was wondering who and what might I face afterwards. Listening to the rock music didn't help to eliminate my fears. Nothing could stop my mind from wondering around. Then, there we were at the Vale of Evesham. Knowing nothing in heads what we should be doing, we just spontaneously asked permission to get into the school. The school has a very high technology devices, and there's only one way out to the real world - the main entrance.

I stepped into the school, wearing a visitor badge, and had thousands of repeatedly questions, " What am I doing here?" A lady of an average age welcomed us and took us to the classrooms. She gave us two choices, nursery or 8 years old children. Kike said she could not cope with bigger kids, leaving me behind with only one option - the 8 years old children, preferably known as Class 2. There, my real story began. An adventure to the world beyond the perfect mankind world.

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