Sep 20, 2021 21:19
What do I even say? It's a couple months shy of 2 months before my last journal entry. So much has changed since those days. In 2011 I was still an airman in the Air Force just trying to figure things out. Now I'm 40 years old and I still wonder if I'll ever figure things out. But, I suppose I'll begin from 2011 to where I am now. I believe I deployed shortly after that email. I was only gone for about 4 months but it was highly stressful. The people I worked for were awful people with huge egos and I swore I'd never work for them again. I have luckily managed to do exactly that. I came back, changed to a different squadron and deployed again in 2013 for 6 months. That was my best deployment and one of the few times in my career I was really proud I joined. Some of my best work was done in those days and I was in amazing shape. Unfortunately my personal life problems with my wife at the time began around then as well. Our fights got worse, and I will take most of the blame for why things were falling apart. We needed a change, and in 2014 I thought we had it.
Then in 2014 I moved to Hawaii, I had a great 4 years there for the most part. I got to go hiking, I got to see all the islands, I got to go to Sri Lanka, and at least for the first 3 years I got a great job where I felt what I did was worthwhile. But that last year was really bad. Like I said, things in the marriage were bad before, and they were just getting worse. I'm going to keep things generic and vague here, because honestly I just wanted to paint a picture to say that when I returned to Florida in 2019, things were not well. I got out of the air force, and I took a job that paid decent money but debts just seemed to pile up, so I took a deployment and shipped my spouse to Ohio. While deployed I got divorced, which was incredibly difficult but I think for both of our mental states it was the right thing to do.
After a year in Afghanistan, I came back to Florida in search of a job. I found one in Washington DC, and here I am for now. In January of 2021, I got COVID, and spent 3 weeks in the hospital. Then, I spent a month at home with oxygen. Overall it took me 7 months to fully recover. I gained a bunch of weight and I'm dieting and excersizing to lose it. I plan to move to Maryland next year, and I am in school to get my Masters degree. I actually have a semi decent relationship with the ex, I think we are better friends than we ever were a couple. All in all life has had its ups and downs, and it certainly could go smoother. But, I guess that's just life.
I don't really think anyone remembers this exists, and I still chuckle a bit on when my livejournal got my ex-wife kicked out of the house she was staying all because I said I didn't feel like i had any friends. Hey if that chick is reading this I was depressed, and you were a psychology major weren't you? I hope you got better at that lol. Anyway, if anyone I know does read this I truly hope everyone is doing well or at the least is fighting to be well. I hope I'm around in 10 more years to update this journal again. -
If anyone out there is reading this from my past and would like to talk to me, you can email me at