Jan 13, 2010 22:38
Cant sleep, havent been able to sleep in probably weeks. hard to tell. always nightmares always someone following haunting. sins of the past i guess. but i have nothing to confess. you can try to leave your past behind, get over it or let it consume you. i guess i choose the latter because i cant find any meaning in the first two.
my phone is broken again, so if i go out of communication it is because of that, i am not ignoring anyone.
fla was cold, weather sucked, i didnt do anything. just hung out with my aunt and grandmother. housing is pricy down there.
oh if you want orange juice buy it now, cuase the crops all just died so its gonna go up to 5 or 6 bucks a gallon. so much for the morning ritual.
ive been working out, i have very little to show for it, but i figure in time i will either slow my weight gain significantly or cease it all together, and that will be enough.
i wish i had an off switch, it would be nice to be able to just sit. i cant do that anymore. makes it really hard to sleep. to dream.... to do anything. the line between what we define as reality and "make believe world " is so small that it hardly seems to matter. reality is merely our perception of events around us. what is reality for the hatians right now? their entire society has completely collapsed. overnight everything they had and everything they had ever known had vanished. imagine that here? imagine your money meant nothing and that all you had worked for: saved for: sweated for ceased to matter. back to animal instincts and survival of the fittest. ive always said the idea of one global economy is a bad idea. and heres a simple example.
well i guess i should pretend to sleep now so my wife can get some rest.
peace all
i hope everything you hold dear is still here in the morning.