passing thoughts *warning long rant*

Jun 02, 2009 21:56

the muse struck me earlier its too bad i didnt stop to write then, oh well, im in arkansas now, i almost got killed by a tornado, and by almost i mean i was about 1 min off, maybe less, joy
i should feel lucky but instead only disdain, i hurt my back first thing, thats probably what ruined it for me
all that and a wedding in what.. a week? 2 weeks? whats it really matter anyway? this was ordained a long time ago and without any consent from sane adults.
Im not trying to sound disdainful, im just rather melachonly about a great many things, too much really, i have my bouts of happiness, i guess maybe its just the after shock to my system from going off my meds.
oh yea, i stopped taking them, all of them, any of them.
this should be interesting, but it wont be, as marvin the robot is always happy, so too will i be (its a joke, its ok if you missed it, or maybe i did, i am tired after all)
i dont mean to sound depressing, and thats not what i really am, just kind of the way i come off.
hmm, well too much weighing on my mind, thoughts that should have gone through my mind a long time ago, are now suddenly appearing, doubts, fears, lesbians, you know all kinds of goofy stuff.
im just trying to get a handle on my emotions, and my ever expanding gut and head. jesus its amazing my head just doesnt collapse my spine at this point, if anyone wants to film a live action charlie brown, let me know and ill shave my head and im game
ow... back... right...forgot about that
im not even sure what i started this off with or where i was going, its rather difficult to discuss things when you cant tell anyone becuase they wouldnt understand
sort of like a friend of mine
recently went to the doctor, said, doc im having a hard time getting through my day and i have alot of anxiety, doc says, are you taking any meds, he says yes pot,
the doc then proceeds to tell him how drugs are a crutch and how bad they are for you, and proceeds to persribe him 3 different types of downers and ssri's,
i mean really, how is that helping? no dont take that, this is much more expensive, and come back to see me many times so i can buy another new cedes
drug pimps either way, at least one is enjoyable....
north korea is fucking with the world again, and what are the democrats doing? lieing down again...
so is iran, who openly admits to wanting to bomb Israel... and yet we are going to let them continue? turn the place into a big glass bowl if you ask me, fuck those assholes.
im not saying that Israel isnt without there own share of blame for alot of the conflict in the middle east, the Gaza strip for example, this one could be settled very VERY easily, IN OR OUT! pick one, works for kids, works for countries,
personally i think Israel should just take over most of the middle east, problem solved
oh joy we are bailing out major companies without getting rid of the assholes that ran the same companies into the ground... thats a bright idea, any others mr "change" (notice he didnt say for the better)
the banks are STILL fucking us
i cant even get approved for an aparment
do you get that? i mean what the fuck
i have 2 bills to pay off and oh heres a good one, the credit reporting agencies cant verify who i am, because i dont borrow enough, (or any for that matter, not since my student loans)
so i cant even get approved for a cable bill.....
do i need to mention that i went through bankruptcy 7 years ago now? and no it wasnt a good idea, it was a TERRIBLE fucking idea, but what can you do? lenders still dont care, miss one payment, bam 27% and youll never catch up, you can only afford interest, enjoy... they dont give a shit about you, and how this affects you, i mean you can even have your account SET TO AUTO PAY, and one computer glitch later and BAM everything is late and they have all raised the interest rates astronomically,
i still cant believe that ANYONE can get your account numbers and charge shit to it, and whether you dispute it or not, if they go into the negatives, YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY OVERAGES
its just insane, this whole system should have collapsed
lets have some damn prudence and no that word has nothing to do with the prunes we should be force feeding these constipated assholes
but no, lets continue sending our 18 year old boys, and yes boys, becuase they cant even drink yet, if you are old enough to die, you are old enough to drink, fuck you assholes and your stupid laws with no merit or sound reasoning, only fuzzy logic and wanna be goody two shoes, over to wars that NO ONE UNDERSTANDS, (i do its simple: DRUGS yet again, another drug war, why do you think we dont invade iran or north korea?, look it up stupid)
and let us continue to redistribute wealth, forcefully at this point (thank you all you democratic voting idiots)
and let us continue to ship our jobs and wealth overseas (bye bye hummer, not that ill miss
you, just that your next apparently)
and let us continue to exist as sheeple without any real say in our government,
lets continue to give up our rights for false claims of our own benefit and protection
(for those of you who think airports are safer, read a statistic sometime)
and dont forget to fuck social security for all its worth! wouldnt want that lasting now would we?
and finally let us to get even more fat as a nation so we can fall into even more self loathing over our poor dietary choices, as well as foods that can kill us due to our underfunding of important government programs, no no, they need 5 vps each and a summer house, thats much more important
but but jb... what can i do? im just as mad as you, FUCKING DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING
or just continue to sit around take up space and cut off the very angry looking truck driver in the white truck
ill be looking forward to it
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