Apr 02, 2011 13:37

The train wreck that was Charlie Sheen is just so sad. Now he is going on tour? Really? Why? To do what?

I finally got into twitter. It is way too funny! NaturalVegan Vegan
RT @chef_en_fuego: I am now a strict Vegan!... Right after I have the best steak of my life. And the best pork. Chicken. Fish. Wild Game.
20 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Read that carefully, my tweet was a joke and got re-tweeted by Natural Vegan! Great bots alive! I thought it was funny anyway. Down side of it was now I have vegheads following me.

TFWF is in town this week and wouldn't ya know it? I have the flu. On top of the flu, my allergies are killing me. Thought I had coughed up a lung but upon closer inspection, I realized it was just a lobe so I can still wheeze. I watched Dr. Manny and he said that unless you have a really high fever, don't take anything for it just let your body do its thing so I am doing just that. Makes for some really interesting dreams too! Had one this morning that totally stuck with me-sorta. Not sure what it was about so much that everyone in it was speaking Italian (I don't speak it) and there were sub-titles in Koren (I don't speak that either). Really goofy.
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