This story is definitely worthwhile reading. Powerful, disturbing and not at all surprising. It makes me sad that the United States government made those men stay silent all these years.
I'm exhausted today. I stayed late at work because the wife of the guy who was supposed to close had an accident and he needed to leave suddenly. I hope she's okay. I think I ended up working slightly more than eight hours, though. Being on my feet today for as long as I was really affected me. I have a feeling I'm going to have to ask my boss to drop my hours a wee bit after Thanksgiving.
My Old Navy stuff arrived today, everything fits beautifully. I really love my cheapass $30 winter jacket. The best part is it has a really tall collar that I can snap down if I don't need it to stand up super high. It will keep my neck warm all winter.
Dakota continues his random chewing of paper products. This time he went into Bill's bag and pulled out a notebook and various other sundries and chewed them up. He gave Dakota a stern talking to and I successfully resisted the urge to say something about leaving his bag on the floor--what he has told me each time the dog has destroyed some of my papers. This is a relatively new development and it is annoying as crap.
Bill brought me flowers today. I had told him a few weeks ago he owed me flowers for all my help with the OGT (Ohio Graduation Test) and he wasn't allowed to bring me grocery store flowers. He actually stopped at a florist and picked a pretty autumn bouquet out all by himself. Such a good husband. =)