So.....hi. Haven't been around much and I'm hopelessly behind on most of your journals (sorry), but my down time at work has been severely curtailed thanks to some new longterm projects that I've *finally* gotten some much needed training. It kind of sucks to basically have two completely separate jobs to smoosh into one day. By the time I've been getting home, I've been so wiped out from looking at my computer all day, the last thing I want to do is get back on the computer. Especially now that I have a ton of school work to do.
Speaking of school, I've started reading, "The 8th Habit" by Stephen Covey and it's really good so far (I'm only a couple chapters in),
He's the guy that wrote, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". I've really got to kick the homework into high gear, though. It's nice that they have a gap of a couple weeks between orientation and the start of class to get everything in order. I'm waiting on a mountain of school books to come in the mail that I've ordered from various places.
I don't have much progress on the knitting front. Most projects are languishing while I try and balance everything else. Still in progress are my silk/cashmere scarf/stole and my socks. I did manage to finish the baby hat last weekend, but no pictures were taken before I gave it to its recipient.
The funeral last weekend was....interesting. I don't have much experience with funerals because we didn't have a service when my grandma died and the last one before that was my grandpa's when I was little. Bill's grandpa is from extreme rural mountain West Virginia and both times I've been there, I've felt a little culture shock because it is so different from what I'm used to. Anyway, they had some friends sing a song. Very twang-y. I call it mountain music, for lack of a better term. People got dressed up in their best clean pair of jeans (that was Bill's uncle), so I felt a little overdressed in a pair of slacks and cashmere sweater. The first half was at the funeral home, then they brought the casket up to the family burial plot where they had a military send off. That part was especially touching, because there were a few of his friends from the VFW who were at that part and you could see how difficult it was for them.
I'm taking tomorrow off and we're heading up to Detroit because neither of us have ever been there. We're actually staying in Windsor, which is just over the border in Canada. I'm excited to visit a new city, even though last night I told Bill that we should have picked Memphis instead, because of how cold it is supposed to be this weekend. Columbus is expecting snow flurries! Ugh...why can the warm weather arrive for good?
OK...I have more to say, but I really have to get some work done now.