Jan 06, 2008 12:45
It often seems that my thoughts reflect some kind of personal misunderstanding. Today I wanted to write about one of them regarding the belief in religion. Let me start off by stating what I do understand.
I understand that for some people religion is just a simple form of intoxication. While its not quite literal it delivers the ignorant bliss that all intoxicants deliver - Self-gratification, solace, and happiness. If this is your reasoning, have at it. You can have Jesus; I’ll stick to King Cobra.
What I don’t understand is the other reasoning behind such blind belief. I may understand what it is but I don’t understand why people subject themselves to it. Why would an all-loving god subject its creations to a life of fear? Fear of hell, reprimand by the church for non-belief, fear of ridicule by your peers who do believe? This doesn’t seem very loving to me. Secondly, I don’t understand how an individual can be ignorant enough to subject him or herself to such a doctrine of belief. Why live your lives controlled and burdened by something NO ONE can prove exists? Is the fear of god so powerful that you find your self willing to destroy your individuality to obey rules that no one can prove exist?
Often people tell me that God cannot be disproved. This is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Nothing can be technically disproved but you can’t prove it either. You have a book that man wrote, MAN. By proxy said man has millions of people duped. It’s the greatest scam ever created. Another funny thing that I encounter with most Christians in particular is the fact that the belief in only 1 true god. So while your god cannot be disproved every other one can? How does this make sense? What makes Jesus so much better that you would rather believe in him rather than Buddha or Allah? It’s a contradiction, and to fail to acknowledge that is pleading ignorance.
Ask yourself…why subject your self to it?
The next thing I don’t understand is how people can place their belief in something that is so entrenched in bigotry? God hates so many people I often wonder if he is really evil and Satan is good but he has him so bastardized people see him as evil instead?
GOD HATES: Gays, Women, Animals, Anyone who believes differently, and a slew of other infidels…. That’s billions of people. God chastises gays for their taboo perspectives on love, hates women because he implies sexism in his rule by classifying them as secondary to a man, hates animals because their only purpose in existence is to be used as a produce for mans use and consumption, hates anyone who believes in a different god, hates anyone who doesn’t believe in god, ETC. The list goes on endlessly.
For the final part of this entry I wanted to simply point out the fallacies that the bible is full of. Was Jesus some sort of magician? How can you really believe any of the miracles that occurred in that book? While they may just be exzaduration how can you really believe it? I don’t understand.