Sep 21, 2004 09:03
The Time has come to finalize the divorce.
Legal Seperation was a piece of cake....and the former spouse had me convinced if we waited a year to finalize things ...we could better afford to end our union amicably and with a better financial agreement.
CROCK OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For Two straight months....good old former spouse decided to A: Cease all contact with his phone calls...nothing.
B: Did not return MY calls...their calls...ANYONE's calls....and was spotty and sporadic regarding his financial obligations to his children.
In other words...a mere three months after his children lost their beloved grandmother and I lost my Mom...he decided it was time to wreak more emotional havok on us.
Last Friday...out of the blue....he finally bothered to call.
(He lives almost 4 hours away from us )He said he thought it would be nice to come down Saturday and visit the kids so he and I could "talk about things". I informed him I had to work that day from 9-4....and he got REAL excited. Said he could "do me a favor" and watch the kids for me. I asked why he had ignored them for two months and he said he had been "Trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life". mmmkay.
ONLY because I love my children and knew they wanted to see him did I agree he could visit. He arrived on our doorstep at 8:20 am Saturday morning. He had spent the previous night in a hotel nearby....and while he had all kinds of money FOR THAT he could not be bothered to spend a cent on his kids. He basically played a board game or two with them, fixed them (and himself) Grilled Cheese sandwiches for lunch (I am now out of cheese , gee, thanks)...and packed the rest of his belongings, copies of our Home Mortgage, and his Passport.
When I got home from work he handed me a piece of paper with his "ideas" for how to quickly dissolve our marriage. NO SURPRIZE that his pitiful "suggestions" only serve himself.
He suggested that I move myself AND the kids out of our home by no later than Dec.31st so he can sell the house because he wants his half of the equity. He said if that put me in a bind he would gladly take the kids to live with HIM....disrupting their school lives, friends, extra curricular activities and ripping them from the only stability they have EVER known. He was cold, ugly and even seemed to enjoy being a bastard...but then...he always has. He left in a huff the minute I questioned his suggestions...and refused to say anything to the kids about what he has in mind...leaving with a curt "you tell them."
The next day he left a phone message ( I guess it just BLEW HIS TINY MIND when I refused to cave to his suggestions) saying we could certainly negotiate. (I laugh at that...he is filing for this divorce but has yet to even hire a lawyer to do so!)
Yesterday I got an email saying he felt that maybe giving me and the kids until the end of MARCH would be more fair. (Again...I laugh.)AGAIN he said he would be happy to take them to live with him.AS IF!
WELL FOLKS.............You know me. I cannot be vengeful to is bad Karma. HOWEVER...what I CAN do hire the meanest, most vengeful and effective lawyer in Austin to represent me and let said lawyer be vengeful for me! AND THAT IS WHAT I AM GONNA DO. The former Spouse will get to pay for said lawyer....and will find he is going to pay WELL above what I allowed him to pay in the past. He will NEVER get my children...(that is all a bluff anyway...he clearly does not want them...he just wants to intimidate me.)NO MORE MS. NICE GUY!!! He is in for a huge shock. I am now refusing to speak to him (just as he did to us for two months) and when I find the right attorney lawyer can do the talking. My kids have never once tried to call their Dad nor have they indicated any desire to see they are devastated by what he has done and is doing to us all. I have assured my children their Dad will never get the opportunity to hurt them again. I will never speak badly about him to them...he is their father, after all, and they have been through ENOUGH. I do keep open and honest communication with them though...and am tactful and careful They can see through that pitiful man without any help from me. I am going to do everything in my power to keep their lives as stable as I always have. I guess that I have answered my own question....why do I go on? FOR THEIR SAKE. My next life ...I plan to be a plant. To my knowledge...plants do not get taken advantage of by evil men. Pray for me...think happy thoughts.......I need them, my friends!!!!!!!!!!