I'm back. No post last week cuz I was on vacation--and not because I didn't have access to a computer or wifi. No, I had brought my laptop with me, I just used it to binge watch tv instead of doing anything constructive. :)
So let's catch up. Last week I was playing in my bacc hood. I had made a tax collector to send the town's taxes to.
[Read the rest]Here she is. I don't take pictures much if I'm not writing a story, so this is the best shot I got right now. Anyway, on a whim I had decided to play her lot too, instead of letting her chill ignored for eternity, especially since I use Monique's hacked computer to send money. Her personal bank account acts as the town treasury so her household funds can remain for her personal use. It's nice cuz the town funds can earn a bit of interest too. Anyway, after two rotations she's probably one of the better off families. Her first week wasn't so great--I was trying to run a business, and let me tell you starting up a home business with only the things you can make is hard. And sooooo sloooow. Especially since there are other things I want her to do, namely garden. The hood is fall, winter, winter, spring so she's got to plant something if she wants to eat during that second winter season. So I really don't know if I'll stick to the "only sell craftables" rule for long.
But then she met Juan Reamon.
This guy. I was unsure about him at first because of that nose, but I moved him in and he came with $11,000 and a bunch of stuff inventory, including a $6,000 fountain. If that's not impressive enough, he also came with a few friends and as he was chatting them up one of them gave him a $8,000 flatscreen. Oh and apparently, at some point, this happened:
So needless to say, their house got a little upgrade.
Though I don't play the hood all the time, playing a rotation like this is interesting because you get to see how each family grows. I let the sim bin families keep whatever cash they had so some families are further ahead than others and just after two rotations I'm beginning to see who might be the "poor" families, the rich, and the middle class. And, of course, the desperate.
But take the Travellers, who have quite a bit of money. Trisha and Tina (Trent died) have a nice two bedroom house, a car and some money saved up. They might have the most cash of all the families and I'm actually unsure of what to do with them. You see Trisha rolled to become a witch and Tina rolled to become a werewolf and I had wanted each creature to have their own house, you know? Like have all the plantsims in the neighborhood live together and so on. So my original idea was to have Tina have a kid to carry on the Traveller name (making Trent and Trisha the founders of the Traveller family) then move out to join the wolves. Trisha would remarry, starting a new line, hopefully a magical one, and eventually move out.
So I moved in a guy for Tina, thinking the baby could get to know one of his parents and maybe he could even placehold until the Traveller "heir" could takeover. But when he moved in, he rolled to become a plantsim. So he moves right back out. I wouldn't really mind except that I wanted the Traveller family to have at least one non magical line. But chances of that are slim if I start playing hereditary supernaturals like I had planned. Seems like the Travellers are just destined to be a supernatural family.