(no subject)

Nov 13, 2010 00:58

 Title: The Angel and the Perfect Man.
Pairing: YunJae <3 
Rating: G
Genre: Romance, Fluff!!! 
Summary: Yunho and Jaejoong are married :) 
A/N: THIS HAS NO SENSE AT ALL! I wrote this to cheer up anael777 today, but I couldn't write it before she went to sleep, so I'm sorry bb! :( Hope you like it >_< 
It was raining outside, and it was a bit cold inside. He could feel the now empty spot of his lover on the bed, and he looked, still with his eyes half closed, to the clock: 8:15 AM of one ordinary Sunday.

The smell of coffee was floating in the air of their shared apartment and he stood up from the bed, and walked towards the kitchen. He could also heard the radio and the sweet voice of his beloved boyfriend singing while he was preparing breakfast as he has been doing since they started to live together 6 years ago.

It all started as if it was a miracle or something like that. Both of them studied at college: one was majoring in dancing, while the other was majoring in singing. They met one day at the cafeteria, hanging with some friends of their degree and it was love at first sight. The one who was majoring in dancing saw the other as an angel, with his pale skin but his dark eyes sparkling with excitement and joy. He also had some piercings and a couple of necklaces that made him more attractive than he already was. The other, saw the one who was majoring in singing the other as the perfect man, with his sunbathed skin and his perfect body and way of talk to his friends… He was just the man of his dreams. And after some short dates after classes, sharing thinking about college and what they would be after finishing their studies, the perfect man asked the angel to go out and start something together.

-Hey, what are you doing here? I was thinking of surprising you today!-his angel said, pouting from the kitchen with a pink apron covering his body.
-You always surprise me. Is not necessary to wake up so early in a day like that… Don’t you want to stay in bed the whole day with me, just doing nothing and not thinking of going to work?
-Of course I want to! I was…just making some breakfast, as always. Just go back to bed, would you? I’ll be there in 5 minutes more, my love.-the angel said, kissing his perfect man lips and going back to finish breakfast while singing.

The perfect man smiled and went back to their bedroom, not before stopping in front of their favourite photo in the wall: the photo they took the day they got married. They looked still young, but they didn’t care when they took the decision. Their families were against it; only few friends went to their wedding, but it was more than enough for them. Both of them in white suits with a red rose in the pocket, near the chest. Their shining wedding rings on their hands, and a never seen smile in their faces was the evidence that they were extra happy and full of joy.

-Still looking at this photo, love?-the angel asked behind his perfect man, with their breakfast in one tray and with a smile in his face.
-Yeah, you know how much I love this photo, right?
-I know, I know. And that’s why you should stop to watch it every time you pass next to it. Now let’s go to have breakfast, shall we?
-Sure. Your breakfasts are the best thing in this world. After you, of course.
It was still raining when the clock stroked 12PM, and they were still lying in bed like a young couple. The Perfect Man, or YunHo if you prefer call him that way, was caressing the Angel’s hair, or JaeJoong if you want to call him that way. They were too lazy to get up from bed and do something else. But something was running in Jae’s mind, and YunHo could feel it.
-Boo…what’s wrong?-he said, hugging his sweet lover.
-Nothing… I was…just thinking, Yun…
-Then tell me what were you thinking, Jae.
-You know… we have been married for almost 2 years…and I was thinking that…maybe… just maybe…we could adopt a child…since well… we can’t have children…

Silence filled the room after Jae spoke his mind. They were still hugging each other, listening to each other breathing. Jae was feeling nervous about it, because he hasn’t thought of this before. In fact, it was after watching a couple playing in a park near their house that the idea came up in his mind.

-I know I’m being stupid about this, so forg…
-No, I like the idea Boo.-YunHo said smiling; his eyes sparkling with joy and excitement.
-Really? I…I thought you were going to say no…
-I wouldn’t say no because I do like the idea of adopting a child with my husband.-the Perfect Man said again, caressing his Angel face and kissing his lips so sweetly.
-Then…-Jae said, trying to catch the breath after their kiss-tomorrow we’re going to the adoption centre to start our adoption!

YunHo laughed out loud and just nodded with his head. He was more than happy to see his husband so excited about something.
A year and a half after the idea came out of Jae’s mind; they were on the adoption centre a Saturday morning to pick up their son. During the year, they bought furniture for their son’s room, toys, clothes, and they read a lot of books about how to take care of a child and every thing they could need to rise him up as good parents.

-Yun… I’m nervous…-Jae confessed once they were at the waiting room, entwining his fingers with his husband’s.
-Don’t be, Jae… we have already met our son. You already know how he is and how he looks like. Just be as normal as you can, okay? You’ll see how this is going to work.

He smiled and Jae did the same when the door opened and it showed a woman carrying a 5 year-old boy in her arms, dressed with a pair of jeans, blue trainers and a cute T-shirt with a lion in it. The boy was also wearing glasses since he couldn’t see very well, and his hair was brown, just like his eyes.

-Here you have your son.-the woman said, passing the child to the parents.-Have you decided how are you going to name him?
-It’s going to be Changmin. Jung Changmin.-YunHo spoke, seeing his husband playing with the little ChangMin and knowing they couldn’t be happier than now.

jaejoong, yunjae, yunho, oneshot, for my dear ana, dbsk, changmin

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