Jul 16, 2010 20:01
For a given value of 'down', two are down with one to go. This is better than I hoped for mid-July. The way this is going I'm positioning myself to be able to take a summer holiday when my beloved brother pops'is hairy head 'round for the start of August, write like a whirling dervish for most of August (oh, I have a few ideas kicking about) and go into the autumn with gusto.
The two that are 'down' are:
1) The Swords manuscript. Reader comments have been incorporated; it is now sitting on my parents' desk waiting to be sanity-checked before it gets bounced off to the agent.
2) BA Thesis. First draft finished today; I'm leaving it over the weekend before starting a bit of revision, then the blessed thing will be sent off to my instructor. Note a pattern here: Snorri finishes things and sends them off. This is quite clever, because it means that while I'm waiting for people I'm also finishing things. Took me a while to work that one out.
The one that isn't... isn't, and will remain anonymous until it's time for it not to be.
To celebrate I'm roasting chicken, and will be experimenting with sauce to go alongside it.