Nov 01, 2004 15:17
I feel like that word really describes my life at times. I really don't know how I end up not doing anything for like 5 hours... and I never get bored. I am like what the heck? How did that happen? OKay well anyway. Last week was really good. The Lord really closed and open some major doors concerning my future. I met with an advisor at UAB about going back to school to get my Master's in Education. I was worried that I was going to have to take a lot of prerequisite courses because my degree wasn't in education... but it ends up that I only have to take 7 hours (a math and a biology). So I am excited because she said I can take it anywhere I want... and the easiest classes I want. So needless to say... right after that I applied at Jeff State haha! But I also have to take the GRE to get into the Graduate program... and I have to take that by February... so I have to start studying for that. But anyways they said that once I get into the Masters program it will only take 4 semesters to complete it... so that means I will be done fall of 2006... which is really not bad to have a masters and a second degree! So it was good news... and it made me really happy! However, since I have decided to go back to school... I also decided not to take any of the jobs that I was offered. But I really think this is the wisest decision I can make right now. I did go up to Hoover and Shelby County to apply to be a substitute teacher. I figured it will look good to have experience on my resume after I graduate from Grad School. Also it will be a good way to get to know the principles around here and have some good references for when i start looking for a teaching position.
This weekend was just really funny. For those that know what i did this weekend... you will know what I am talking about. I mean... it was just so my life. If you don't know what I am talking about and you want to... feel free to leave a comment and I will let you know. We only had one trick-or-treater this year. It's kinda sad... but I think it's our first one in like 4 years. And the really sad part about it was... they were about my age. Oh well... I guess some people can't resist when it comes to free candy.
Besides that... my life is quite boring and uneventful. The Lord has definitely been teaching me some awesome things. I am excited to watch my relationship with Him grow and grow as i am being obedient to His calling. Okay well I am going to go be "productive". Somehow... it's hard for me to believe that though. Love you all