CRF was good fun, as always. I got to spend time with folks i don't get to see very often, and T did his part to aggressively stimulate the local economy. *G* Good times. Enjoyed the song stylings of Rambling sailors, and discoverd that i did not permanently use up all my song request chits in 2001. *G*
Still can't get *that* song, tho. He claims to have forgotten it completley. Heh.
It was also my happy lot to be present for a hilariously complete butchering of "Sailors Alphabet" by the the Pyrates Royale. Hee. Puffy sleeves and guitars don't mix. and *nothing* rhymes with "orange".
I did not get out to faire as often this fall as i would have liked, only 8 days total. (including CRF) I did get a couple of decent pictures at MDRF, even using my wee cell phone.
In other news, the holidaze approach, like a festively decorated oncoming train. eek!
I was a good girl this week and got my boobies squished by the medical professionals (as opposed to by the motivated amateurs. :P) Apparently they behaved well for the camera and are declared to be in good shape. yay!
Now, about this Augean stable house of ours... The shoveling must commence.
Carry on...