Heard about this on the Weather Channel of all places- during their Forecast Earth feature- and it just broke my heart:
HoustonPress- Lights Out It seems that due to reasons including chemical pollutants (pesticides and fertilizers), light pollution and predation by alien species, over the last ten years firefly populations have shrunk dramatically. The Weather Channel reported that some species are already feared extinct. It's so sad... Makes me think back with increased resentment and disgust to incidents in my childhood in which the punks on my street would amuse themselves by smashing them on the pavement with baseball bats. I mean, c'mon. Sure they were kids, but so were my siblings and I, and we knew it was wrong. Yuck, yuck, yuck.
Ahh... But on a lighter note, I also found this through weather.com:
LiveScience.com - Gay Animals: Alternate Lifestyles in the Wild Very amusing- you get to rate the gayness of various animal species based on little blurbs describing their homosexual behaviors. Heh!