Shanny is a happy pooka. Oh, yes indeed she is. Today while making a Walmart run, Rob and I checked out the Ben & Jerry's freezer case and discovered a truly wondrous thing:
They carry Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream!!!!!!!!!
Yes, they were sold out, but now we know that finally SOMEONE in Lawrence is a True American. Walmart has stepped up to the plate and shown that, unlike SOME retail establishments, it does NOT hate our troops. ::flashes an accusing glare at Dillon's:: Uh-huh. You know who you are. Anyways, we asked an employee there how often they restock the freezer, and he said just about daily. So you can bet yer boots that we'll be paying Wally-world another visit in the very near future. And the Americone Dream shall bring its creamy goodness to our home and our bellies, and its container shall be lacquered and given a place of honor for all time.
And that's not the only awesometasticness that's happenin'. Oooohhh, no no no. On June 4th, the Insane Clown Posse is coming to Lawrence. 7:30, at the Granada downtown. Aaaaannnd the bestest part is that Rob n' I are gonna be there!!!! Excuse me while I explode fer just a moment here. Stabbity-stab. WOOT!! Thank you thank you THANK YOU to a certain adorable couple who made this possible!!! We also went with them to a Gaelic Storm concert in KC Friday night, which totally ROCKED, by the way. Those guys (and gal!!) know how to put on a show- that's fer damn sure. We'll most DEFINITELY have to catch them at the
Kansas City Irish Fest this fall.^^!!
Additionally, two MORE of my favorite musicians are coming to the area, FINALLY:
Voltaire June, 13 2007 at Vampirate Prom/Davey's Uptown
Kansas City, Missouri
Cost : $10/$15
Vampirate Prom @ Davey's Uptown Kansas City, MO
18 + event
Semi-formal attire with a vampire or a pirate theme (there will be a costume contest!!). Other acts include; Dj Dhust Jolly Roger The Nascent Doors opens at 9pm. (thanks
sithkitten for the info!!)
Dream Theater(!!!!!!)
With Redemption & Into Eternity
Monday Aug 06, 2007
All Ages
Doors 6:30
Show 7:30
Kansas City, MO @ The Uptown Theater
And by then, we should be able afford to hit up at least one of these shows. So then, who's goin' with me?! Heh heh heh.
Ahhh-- fun and happiness all around. WHOO HOOOOO!!!!