Dec 02, 2003 09:46
...start time: 9:46 a.m....
[x] name: Kelly
[x] nick names: kelswim, suf suf, little bunny suf suf
[x] siblings: chad -16
[x] parents names: Rex and Lynnette
[x] birthday: January 22, 1985
[x] zodiac sign: aquarius
....let's do it in three's....
three things under your bed.(i dont have a frame for my bed but if i did)
[1] slippers
[2] all my textbooks
[3] dust bunnies
three songs you enjoy right now.
[1] the warmth - incubus
[2] 80's music
[3] 311 - anything really
three things happening this week.
[1] last week of classes
[2] fixing my dumbass computer
[3] going to the Vu
three things on or in your bed.
[1] blanket
[2] pillows
[3] gameboy w/ tetris
three favorite classes in school.
[2] this is a dumb question i dont like any of them
three least favorite classes.
[1] chem 141
[2] math 103
[3] iss 210
....describe yourself....
[x] tattoos: kitty cat on my bum
[x] peircings: belly button, ears
[x] your personality in three words: oooh! shiny objects!
[x] oldest, youngest or middle child: oldest
[x] natural hair color: brown
[x] current hair color: brown
[x] eye color: brown
....yes or no....
[x] been skydiving? no
[x] been to a gay bar? no
[x] been in love? no
[x] believe in God? yes
[x] love at first site? no
[x] have a crush? several
[x] can you dance? depends on how many drinks ive had
[x] keep a diary or jounal? yes
[x] have a cell phone: yes
[x] perfume/cologne: clinique happy
[x] purse or wallet: purse
[x] color: blue
[x] number: 2
[x] month: june
[x] movies: fight club, tommy boy,
[x] tv shows: simpsons, family guy, I love the 80's
[x] movie trilogies: batman, just kidding
[x] song(s): Mad world from Donnie Darko
....random questions....
[x] want any kids? still thinking about it
[x] -if so, thought of any names? nope
[x] chocolate or vanilla: twist
[x] do you like to cuddle? sometimes
[x] do you want to be married? maybe
[x] are you a college student? yes
[x] -if yes, your major(s): pre-veterinary
[x] any roommates? extreme christian Diana
[x] half empty or half full: usually empty
...end time: 9:58a.m...