Mar 19, 2003 22:18
well, due to popular demand *cough cough, ebony, cough cough* i've decided to take a moment a reflect on my life as of this moment...
let me tell you how much i hate allergies. i hate allergies and i hate asthma. the past 2 1/2 weeks i've had the worst sinus infection which lead to a terrible, no-sleep-at-night-allowed cough, and a raspy voice. thank goodness i regained my voice so that i could record this past weekend with a side project (insert band name here...we've yet to invent one).
and then wouldn't you know it? now that i'm done with that, i find out this morning that there are mold spores growing along the sills and stripping of all of our windows and sliding doors...and guess who's having a rather hard time with this?
me. little asthmatic, allergic me. i must have gone through 2 boxes of tissues today and it's a wonder how i could answer the phone without sneezing into the receiver...
so yes, i'm a sickling.
but other than that, things are ultimately grand. i am so blessed to have such a wonderful person, friend, and love in jason. he takes care of me and he always seems to know how to make me feel better despite it all.
bad news is, my grandpa had an unsuccessful colonoscopy and there is still a large mass (which the doctor believes will most likely be cancerous)... =( which will mean surgery for grandpa...and he is already a high-risk patient due to his age and previous heart failures. drop him a prayer will ya?
i've also been working hard at the daycare preparing for our first spring fundraiser and talent show. it's going to be awesome. some of the kids are so adorable and talented...some of the teachers are performing as well. at first i had decided just to sing "all you wanted" by michelle branch but then decided to go balls out and challenge myself by playing the acoustic and singing "you were meant for me" by jewel...YES! sing and play...AT THE SAME TIME! i know i'm psycho. too bad i suck at it...but i try.
and as for this whole war thing...
so be it. it's about time. now hurry up and be over with it.