Mar 28, 2010 21:45
In the essay 30 little turtles, Thomas Friedman puts a new perspective on the "low paying, low prestige job" of a call center operator. Friedman is trying to show the positive side of outsourcing the operator job to places like India.
Friedman is writing to North Americans who think outsourcing only has negative effects. He writes to economists' with strong negative opinions about outsourcing jobs to places like India. He uses a calm and neutral voice to make his point clear. He isn’t telling the Americans they are wrong, simply just asking them to look at the other side of the story. Freidman makes the point that although he doesn’t think Indians deserves the jobs more than Americans, these low end jobs are going to be shipped overseas regardless of the opinions of economists.
The author is trying to express that there is another side to outsourcing jobs like call center operators and they can positively effects the life of the operators and their families. For example, he writes about the Palestinian twenty year olds, and how they already know their life will end in suicide bombing. The students in the Indian “accent neutralization” classes have new hope and value their lives. Freidman notes that these Indian students see the jobs we would see as low end and undesirable as a great opportunity. Friedman looks at the4 situation optimistically and sees these jobs as a way to improve our world, rather than just our home countries. Freedman wants people to see the relationships that have been gained between India and places like Canada