After spending Friday night and most of the daylight hours Saturday and Sunday moving furniture and boxes around, putting stuff on shelves or in closets, hooking up electronics, sorting stuff to keep/sell/donate/take to storage, and generally trying to make the new place liveable, I decided to just relax on Monday.
That morning I finally got around to reading The Stardust Kid (which I volunteered to index at the
Grand Comics Database last summer when I figured I'd pick it up any day now. Oops). Then in the afternoon, after a quick grocery run, I finished rereading Ringworld.
alenxa made purple potato salad from scratch, and we watched "Once More With Feeling" with dinner. We followed is up with an episode of Bones (which is decidedly not dinner material, as far as I'm concerned).
Today: back to work, trying to remind myself that it's not Monday, it's Tuesday.