Jun 19, 2006 19:29
Yay new LiveJournal!
Since this LJ thing is so new to me, my new...journal is just going to be me, rambling on about ..well..myself.
-I love Love LOve LOVe LOVE Dawson's Creek something fierce. Probably more than most people will experience in a lifetime.
-I enjoy making up analogies for boys, so I can talk about them with Kathryn and nobody knows.
-I have bands like Thursday, Death Cab For Cutie, Bouncing Souls, Foo Fighters, Metric, Jack's Mannequin and From First To Last on my iPod.
-Even with what I just previously said, I also have Paris Hilton's songs on my iPod.
-I think it's funny that Kayla and Jillian are so much alike. Sorta.
-I can't live without the comfort of my striped polos. Or my Nike track pants.
-I'm extremely hypocritical.
-It's fun to be loud and obnoxious every once and a while.
-I like standing on the edge of summer.
-I believe that I'm pretty laid back when it comes to somewhat serious topics.
-I think Cosmopolitan Magazine's sex articles are funny.
-I think the idea of sex in general is funny.
-I just used Live Journal's spell check...