Feb 09, 2009 14:06
I definitely consider myself a pessimist. People say being optimistic is better for you, but I believe otherwise. If you're a pessimist and something bad happens to you, you were already expecting it, therefore no hopes are crushed and everything is fine. However, if something good happens to you, yay! If you're an optimist, when something good happens you take it for granted as if it's supposed to always happen, and of course when something bad happens, it ruins your life...There is no real way to be a "realist" because you can't tell when something's going to go right or wrong. Of course, you can think that if it does go wrong your life won't be over and it's just a minor detail, but emotions don't really let us feel that way all the time, so you're not really benefiting yourself anyway. Also, there isn't always just a black and white. There are many shades of grey. In regards to the question, "Is the glass half empty of half full?" I tend to get angry at everyone's ridiculous answers. Well, of course it depends on the perspective! If you've just poured a liquid into an empty glass until it reached halfway, it's half full. If you've just drank half of the liquid from a full glass, it's half empty. This is where people don't see the difference between their opinions. I'd bet that most disagreements are stemmed from misunderstandings. If you only understand one half of the story and don't even attempt to look at the other half, where are you going to go? Morality itself depends on circumstances. Think about the issue of the death penalty. How many situations can you think of where your opinion differs? At least for me, that issue is something I'm very divided myself about. Some people are divided about abortion. When people ask me what I believe in, I can honestly say I'm not sure. However, I do know what I DON'T believe in. Be real with yourself, don't accept things without some real proof. Don't believe every rumor you hear, or every little thing your parents told you when you were young. They lied about Santa, do you think that's the only thing they told you without evidence to back it up besides "faith"? What is "faith"? It's "having the feeling" about something and thinking you're right without even trying to find substantial support. Unless you believe you're a psychic, you should view your faith like you're playing god, and I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing to do according to your own book. This turned into a religious rant, but still...People don't think hard enough. There is very little common sense anymore when people base their entire beliefs on nothing more than "faith." Why do you think there are so many wars? So much death? Yes, "faith." That's why the average IQ is falling. Stupid people feel the need to have a ton of babies whereas smart people know it's not a good idea with such a high population, and just because it's economically better for everyone to have an amount of children you can actually take good care of and raise well at the same time. JUST SAYIN'...
writer's block