Feeling better; 5th part-time job announcement

Mar 09, 2009 22:24

I'm feeling better about the bird.  Thanks to all who posted such kind words.  I know it was just nature...and I know that in the scheme of things, the bird could have died a thousand other ways, and at least I gave him a happy time in his last few days, but it's just so depressing knowing that he was on the mend and about to go free.  It's also depressing knowing that he was injured because of mankind and he was killed because of mankind.  If he'd been taken by a hawk or set upon by a cougar, I'd feel better.  Instead, he was eaten by a cat that was born because someone was too ignorant to have their pet spayed or neutered.  And that makes me sad.  When I rescue a wild animal, I look at it as an attempt to make up for human stupidity/ignorance (yes--there's a difference).  But...I can't be sad forever, and I have a lot of things to occupy my mind, one of which is my 5th job.  Hooray!

Job tally: teaching, working at the quilt shop, freelance writing, tutoring, and now, Eco-Friendly House Cleaning!

I have absolutely no pride issues when it comes to work, so when a rather well-off friend bemoaned the fact that she was too lazy to clean her (exceedingly filthy) house, I leaped at the opportunity.  Not only will I clean her house--I will do it in as "green" a manner as possible because, really, isn't that all the rage?

And so I load up my milk crate with baking soda, white vinegar, lime essential oil, Murphy's oil soap, Bon Ami scrubbing powder, and rubbing alcohol.  A pile of rags, fresh from the washing machine and my trusty mop and broom and we're in business.  I'm in business.

If this goes over well, I may advertise.  The tools are cheap, cheap, cheap (no paper towels!  no chemically manufactured mountain breezes!) and I'm a hard worker who can get her hands dirty with the best of them.  I'm also totally desperate to make a buck.

Now, I just need a creative title.


Kelsie the Charwoman
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