I am so deeply concerned

Feb 24, 2009 12:03

I'm not anyone to begrudge a nine year old girl her dying wish, but this--this just makes me SO SAD and SO DISTURBED in SO MANY WAYS.

When will little girls realize there's more to life than getting married?  Why are her parents agreeing to this?  Because they feel guilty?  What if she survives leukemia?  Will she still be married?  What the hell is this going to do to her boy-groom if she DOES die?

This feels so wrong.  I disagree with marriage on multiple levels, and that's between supposedly mature adults.   If I were nine and dying, my wish would have been to go to Africa on a safari or something...not to "marry" a boy.

Is anyone else disturbed?  I was already feeling pretty depressed about the state of our world (but who isn't?), and this kind of just iced the cake for me.

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