Oct 16, 2004 09:24
............Today im going shopping with lin and my dad...yes my dad...my mom is out of town in coco beach having a weekend to herself so my dad wants to take me and lin shopping crazy right?? Well we`ll have fun anyways!!! not too much happened last night ... i had a absolutely great day yesterday but as the night dragged on it got a bad...i sat at home with absolutely nothing to do because i waited to long to make plans with everyone and everyone had already made plans to do something with someone else...just my luck right...well...im so bored and im waiting for my dad to get back from Hardeys....hes gettin breakfast..yummyy!!:) Well i am going to go straighten my hair i guess ... Hope that i actually do ahev a good time shoppin with lin and dad lol...<33 ~kElSiE~ P.S this weather we have been getting is GREAT... i love the cold!! I miss C.T...( but i LOVE little bitty Camden County)