Meaghan and Brenagh are going to stop by and pick me up in a few minutes, so I'm going to see if I can speed-post.
What were you doing at 10:30am this morning? Hmm? Well, I bet you weren't WADING IN PUGET SOUND WITH ME!! Were you? Nope, you weren't. But that is what Brian, Kelsi, and Sam did. Without you. And it was bomb. I went about 12 inches above my knee in the water. I saw a ton of fish, and some crabs. Sam was stepping on a starfish, and didn't know it. (Sorry joshua, SEA STAR.)
Ahh, and (Best day ever?) what I forgot to tell you
Yesterday was sunny. Which means it was also hot. Which means that the sanfords came over. Which means we did what we do almost EVERY SINGLE DAY during the summertime. Waterballoon + Hose + squirtgun fight.
Kelsi and meaghan made 20+ balloons to start with. With these balloons, we dumped them on the trampoline and jump until they pop. Fun fun. Then, more water balloons etc. Brian grabs the hose. Soon everyone is screaming and running around and absolutely soaking wet and it was hilarious.
And that is what summer is like for me. As meaghan and I were sliding across the trampoline and falling on top of eachother (seriously, I'm bruised.) I was thinking
"Yeah! This is just like the good 'ol days! Minus the Billy, soon to be adding the brenton, and halfway erase eric."
*sigh* I remember why I love summer so much.