Jul 14, 2008 22:38
So...conservatory is over. I'm sad. I loved it...so much more than I can say. As much as those little buggers wore me out, it was an awesome experience. I LOVED those kids! I LOVED those teachers! And my partner, Spencer, was totally my hero....everyday....just amazing!
So now, I'm basically a woman of leisure. I work now and then, but other than that, I'm just working on my show...getting it together and learning lines and such. Dancing. A lot. You would all be so proud of me. If you read this, you should come see the show...I'll post all the details as the show gets closer. AND YOU ALL SHOULD COME IF YOU ARE WITHIN A REASONABLE DISTANCE! You can even crash overnight here at my house if you want! COME COME COME!
Moving on...I'm moving back to school exactly one month from today. Summer is flying by....my last summer as a college student?!?!?! Say what!?!?! I never thought I would make it to this point.....jeesh. Whatevs. Just wow.
That's really all I got for now. How is everyone else these days?