The Bates family is getting a new house

Aug 14, 2012 22:26

I'd just like everyone to note that I built this bad-boy ALL BY MYSELF, FROM THE GROUND UP, and it looks fabulous even though it's not even done yet. Oh, there's going to be so much more. And the inside is getting all decorated.

The reason this is so exciting for me is that I NEVER BUILD HOUSES. BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE BUILD MODE. I usually just plop down a house and decorate it. But this time I didn't like any of the pre-made houses, so I decided to make my own. AND IT IS GLORIOUS.

That roof took me for-fucking-ever. I'm officially a roofing goddess.

Welcome to Starlight Shores, where I am a fucking housing queen.

- Kelsey

the bates have a new house!, the bates family legacy, kelsey the housing goddess, i mastered that roof bitches

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