The Adventures of Addison Barros, Celebrity Relic-Hunter [3.2]

Jan 01, 2011 20:57

Hey everyone, and welcome back to Ch.3 of Addison's adventures! Where we left off, Addison was touring the tombs under the Temple of Heaven in Shang Simla, China. Since we were in the middle of picspam, let's just continue with that!

After this point, Addison couldn't continue any further. Two of the doors were locked with keys I didn't have, and one entryway was blocked by a motherfucking boulder. Like, are you kidding? I know I need some kind of special rock-smasher which I can only get in China, but I haven't found it yet and this was FRUSTRATING AS FUCK.

Anyway, being that it was the middle of night by this point and Addi had nothing else to do, I sent her to the martial arts academy to have her practice, and she got a new skill point & belt. :D

Just be prepared: this opportunity started a long string of opportunities, and will include massive amounts of picspam. :P

Anyway, Addi was sent to The Dragon Maw to "explore it fully," which gave me a bad feeling because I couldn't even do that on my leisure. What made this lady think I could do it with an opportunity on the line?

Okay, this is AWESOME! She gets a motherfucking CAR for being a celebrity? *Loves*

Turns out Biyu's "important item" or whatnot was actually a vision that Addi needed to have. I didn't need to fully raid the tombs, which made me feel better. Anyway, with this vision we were able to return to Biyu.

The opportunities that followed were mostly for things that Addi already had in her inventory, so she basically just had to stand there and keep handing Biyu things to get her Visa points. And I'm not complaining. :D

Just a nice picture, with gorgeous scenery. If I decide to change the title pic up, I might reduce the size of this and make it the entry photo. :)

Anyway, Addi was still in need of Visa points so she took an opportunity to spar with another sim, apparently in order to learn.

LOLs this picture is so cheeky.

Anyway, Addi won both matches with ease, but I guess when the student is more skilled than the master, it's bound to happen. Yeah, I lol'd.

This was an easy opportunity. The only thing that was difficult about it was fighting off all the Chinese locals who wanted Addi's photo and/or autograph. Fame whores.

Moooooving on; Addi got a new opportunity from Biyu, which sent her to the Resolute Fist Retreat (apparently this is the monks' retreat. Nice).


(In case you didn't make the connection, the hole in the wall opened that secret door.)

Love that the secret tomb has sleeping quarters for all the monks. Or maybe just for travellers who get lost and stuck in there; they have a place to sleep and wait for help!

After getting to the lower level of the tombs, shit got real. Two of the doors led to fire chambers, and one led to a massive chamber with a statue and the square where it needed to place. Originally looking harmless, the floor around the square became a hotbed of fucking fire traps.

And then I realized that there was a strategically placed water-hole situated very close to all three doors. In case you're wondering why this is important, if a sim is soaked by water they can run through a fire trap unscathed. NICE.

After getting Addison all soaked I got her through the first tunnel of fire traps, and opened the door that led to another water hole. She used that hole to get back to the main room. This was not interesting enough to include pictures of.

The second room, the one with the hotbed of traps, was a little bit harder because the traps weren't shown until she stepped on them, so she had to go in about 20 times, soaked of course, to cross the room. But the best thing was that every time she walked soaking wet over a fire trap, is disabled them!

Anyway, Addi pushed the statue over a couple of traps and had it resting on the square in no time. She got treasure from this. It was also not interesting enough to have pictures of.

The third room, which was three long halls filled with fire traps, was just plain fun! I actually legitimately enjoyed it. Have some picspam!

LOL if you can't see what she's doing, she's clapping because she turned off one of the traps. Couldn't get a better shot than this, but it made me laugh anyway. xD


Anyway, after raiding the tomb she reported back to Biyu who gave her Visa points and claimed she had nothing else to 'teach" her. No offence lady, but Addi was already a dynamite tomb-raider/martial artist before you came along.

Series of boring mini-opportunities. Moving right along.

However, this did happen. It made me happy :D

Moar opportunities.


So, as part of her last opportunity, Addi convinced three locals to keep their lights off at night for the persnickity guy with the telescope. She got the Visa points for that particular part of the opportunity, but just as she was going to report back to the guy for even more Visa points...

Her vacation was finished! Damn it all! However, the opportunity is still saved for when she returns to China.

When Addi got back to Bridgeport I decided she was rich and famous enough that she deserved a "house in the hills"  - AKA a house on the other side of Bridgeport, where all the rich and famous people live. She's got a really sleek looking one-bedroom now.

And as Addi settles into her new pool, I'll bid you adieu for now!

Oh, except I had to show you this!
Addi was not impressed when Tom told her, for like the third or fourth time, that he didn't feel like coming over. Cue silly faces. xD

- Kelsey

addison barros, ts3 world adventures, two-part chapter, ts3, ts3 ambitions, ts3 late night

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