Ten Facts

May 22, 2010 15:45

I was just kind of creepin' on LJ and found this old thing on the newly added Chip's page. Anyway, could be fun times.

A. List ten habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag ten people to do the same. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it". And if I tag you, you're obliged to go through with this.

I'm not going to tag ten people, since I don't think I even have ten friends on here, so just do it if you haven't yet!

1. My hair is a security blanket, and I find it very hard to get it cut. Not only that, but I'm paranoid about cutting it lest I look ugly with the new 'do.

2. I never, ever want a pet. Ever. My mom has a dog and as much as I like it sometimes, I've learned that I'd never want to deal with all the responsibility and frustration having a pet entails.

3. I'm going into Journalism next year, and have never been so excited for anything in my life.

4. I haven't dated someone in four years, and my last relationship was in grade eight, so it technically doesn't count bahaha. I'm not awfully concerned with my lack of a love-life, though, and like to joke that "I have a very intimate relationship with my school work."

5. I love George Clooney. If I could marry George Clooney, I would so do it. Next in line for marriable celebrities is Taylor Lautner, because he's gorgeous and MY AGE :D

6. I associate lifestyles with fashion choices.If I lived in a big city, I'd feel compelled to dress a certain way, as opposed to a small town. When I was deciding on universities, I associated a fashion choice with each campus to help make the decision a little easier.

7. I feel positively compelled to write. It isn't just that I enjoy it, but I couldn't imagine doing anything else with my life.

8. I snort sometimes when I laugh, and make loud guttural groans when I'm frustrated.

9. Oreo Cakesters are one of my favourite "deserts".

10. I love Crocs, regardless of what anyone else says. They're sinfully comfy.

Well, that's me I guess! :)

snorting when i laugh, lifestyles and fashion choices, meme, guttyral groans, journalism, writing = love, never want a pet, no love life, crocs, taylor lautner, my hair is a security blanket, george clooney, about me, oreo cakesters

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