Aug 19, 2006 22:18
so I'm a little bummed right now. I'm not upset or anything just not great.
I got my doctor reports back and I have hyperthyroidism.
And the tumor in my thyroid is "hot" meaning it's producing too much thyroid hormone
(causing hyperthyroidism)
Two days ago I started complaining about a soar throat.
Now today it is pushing and acheing all in my throat and jaw
and my tumor is considerably bigger and you can see it when I swallow
(before it was not visible)
I'm kind of nervous about how fast it is growing.
The doctor last time I went said we needed to monitor it and make sure it doesn't grow
And if it does I need to either get it removed or take medicine for it.
I think since it isn't cancer they will try the medicine first.
I really don't want to be on more medicine tho.
But I guess thats better than surgery because after the surgery I will have to be on medicine anyways.
I dunno I'm kinda just bummed about it.
I have a doctors appointment soon though and this is THE ONE they decide what they are doing.
It will all get cleared up soon. or atleast begin to be cleared up.
I'm happy about that.
I'm just happy I'm alive and living.
I'm very thankful for that.