we live in a beautiful world.

Feb 24, 2005 15:32

today i ran into a window. and it hurt. but it was funny. these shoes were/are a bad idea because they very much hurt. today = much painful day? after swim practice tonight im hanging out with my wonderful lovely swim team, much excitement. currentlyyyyy i am at nardin academy enjoying the wonderful view from the library. or not. or maybe i am? in this life, there is nothing but possibilities. guess who has a date for date dance? KELSEY has a date for date dance! and i am much excited because the tickets are very very cute. and that makes the whole thing totally worth it. ANYWAY. aklsjdalsjdalksjdalksjdalsjdalskdjascnq;wehajkshdawiuhdaksjdhaskjdhasd. we all live in a yellow submarine?
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