VersaEmerge 11/12

Nov 14, 2010 11:52

So on Friday I skipped school and the play, (even though I was on tech crew and was kinda supposed to be there) to drive 4 hours to see VersaEmerge in Detroit.

For all of you who don't know, Detroit is one sketchy city. The entire city smells like ass. And when we pulled up to the venue, there was a trashcan on fire. Some hipster was snickering and taking a picture of it. So of course I had to roll down the car window and take a picture of it too.

So I won the meet-and-greet thing because I'd been one of the first to buy tickets, so after waiting in line forever, we go inside and walk up these stairs. (We were waiting on the stairs for a while because apparently Sierra ran off somewhere.) And I have no idea how I came to be the line-leader, but I was first and I didn't know what the hell I was doing, but the lady told us to go upstairs and wait by another set of stairs. So we go up and waited, and I was talking to this girl and somehow we got on the topic of how small a venue this was, which brought us to the topic of the Young Vein's show in Columbus that I went to a while ago, and apparently she was there. WTF? Small world.

So they give us laminate things and we all go buy t-shirts, (I also was a douche and bought a hair feather.) Then finally they came out! Again, I'm the line-leader here, so they're just standing there in front of me and I was like shaking and I didn't know what to do. I don't even remember what I said but I got a picture with them and they signed a poster.

Then that one girl and I started to discreetly inch our way to the stage because we really fucking wanted first row. So guess where I stood? Front row. Dead center. Fuck yeah.

Eventually they started and the opening band was some local band called the Boys of Summer. They were pretty good and I got to talk to one of the guys later and he was really cool.

Then was Conditions. Now, they spent like twenty minutes doing sound check, yet they still fucked up because I could not hear a word that guy screamed! Though the band was pretty awesome. But the guy kept standing on a box and leaning right over us-let me tell you, maybe it was just that stage or maybe it's all stages, but when you're in the front row, you are at dick level. Like, it's hard to look anywhere else because it's so in your face. And the guy sweated on us. A lot.

Then was The Dangerous Summer. They were pretty good, really catchy. Might listen to them sometime.

Then was Anarbor. I previously didn't like them, so I wasn't too thrilled. But whatever, they were okay. And it was funny because the guy was talking about Detroit being sketchy, and apparently he saw the flaming trashcan too.

THENNNN was VERSA!!!!!! So the replacement drummer came out first, setting up the drum kit, and let me tell you, Chris Pollock is one attractive fucker. <3__<3 We all made hearteyes at the little Mikeyway lookalike until they were set up. Then my babies came out and it was amazing. I wish I had a copy of the set list so I could go through songs individually, but the girl right next to me stole it. But it was the best thing ever. Sierra was right in front of me. And she grabbed my hand three times, and thennn Blake looked at me and smiled at me!!!!!!!! And gah, I was bent over the stage the whole time because people were so shove-y, and I screamed every word, and it was probably the best day of my life to date. And I think Up There is my new favorite song, because damn that was the most truly EPIC thing live.


versaemerge, rants, concerts

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