oooo baby it's a survey

Mar 04, 2005 23:13

ok well heres a survey i stole from my bffeeee nancyyyy!!!!


1. Last Cigarette ::dont smoke
2. Last Kiss :: haha wow i dont even know
3. Last Good Cry :: like the other day
4. Last Beverage Drank :: soda
5. Last Food Consumed :: ramen noodle soup which i made bymyself
6. Last Crush :: hm well theres been a few but noone knows ;-) hehe but noone important
7. Last Phone Call :: um callie i think

1. First Best Friend ::um maybe erin? or friends from woostaaaa
2. First Real Love :: noone yet :-(
3. First Real Kiss :: idkkkkkkkk
4. First Screen Name ::haha wow like tigger2564324785789430 (no lie it was that long)
5. First Pet :: 2 love birds(named lemon and lime)
6. First Car :: dont drive


1. Where Are Your Favorite Places To Shop :: hollister and whatevers good and what i like
2. Favorite Item Of Clothing :: idk


1. Do You Do Drugs :: no
2. What Kind Of Shampoo Do You Use ::panteenee
3. What Are You Most Scared Of :: heights
4. What Would You Change About Yourself :: idk nothing i can explain right now things could be worse about me tho so im not complaing

1. Colors :: pink/blue/dark green
2. Foods :: blueberry muffins
3. Subject In School :: prolly engilsih
4. Animals :: dolphins are kinda cute
5. Sports :: dance
6. Movie :: loads and tonssss

1. Given Anyone A Bath :: nah
2. Smoked :: um no for the 2nd time
3. Made Yourself Throw Up :: no
4. Skinny-Dipped :: haha yeah
5. Been In Love :: nopeeee asked me that too

1. Who Is Your Best Friend :: my friends :-)
2. Do You Have A Girlfriend/Boyfriend ::nope


1. Clothes :: pjs
2. Music :: goo goo dolls black ballon
3. Make-Up :: what i usually wear
4. IM's :: away at the momento

1. Hugged :: idk maybe noone who will ever know
2. Imed ::shane
4. Last Person Who Slept At Your House ::erin!
5. Last Person's House You Slept At :: Jessica's with all of my girl's :-D

1. In The Morning I Am ::refreshed and some hungrieenessss
2. Love Is :: kinda cute*
3. I Dream About ::mostly what i do in the day time but like to the max werid
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