Jan 19, 2012 13:30
If I was to die tomorrow and an investigator came into my room and searched around, they could find out what kind of person I am right away.
Right as they walked in, they would see that I take high priority in family, friends, and beauty with all the pictures that are in frames or hung on my wall.
They would be able to tell that I keep momentos that remind me of times past because those are times I never could get back.
They would be able to tell that I hoard pictures, papers, and schoolwork.
They would have intant access to my head from all the writing that is littered around my room and the shoeboxes full of memories.
They could tell that I am a sexual being, and that I love to drink and smoke.
They could tell that I enjoy History from the tabs in my textbooks, autobiographies, and other history related books that are around.
They could tell that I love Disney from the stock I own and the Cinderella figure that tops my TV Screen.
They could tell that I take high priority in how I look, smell and am presented to other people. From my toothbrush still being wet and my windows still have steam on them, they could tell that I shower everyday of my life.
They could tell that I paint my nails too much from the stains on my desk.
They could tell that I am organized from my planner, to the papers, and the to-do lists that daunt my room.
They could tell that I watch too much TV because my buttons are worn out.
They could tell that I am mostly clean, but only clean because I have to here.
They could tell that I don't care much about folding my clothes and just shove them into my drawers. They could also tell my size right away, which makes me uncomfortable.
They could tell I have an appreciation for old things because of my Remette typewriter and Harry & David Teapot.