Dec 10, 2004 20:04
wOW- i havent posted in foreverrr... yeah.
tomorrow i have a basketball game. im sick. this sucks.
was hte history field trip . it was okaY the chinese stuff was SO pretty..and crazy.. like i dunno how the heck they ever did any of thAT.
then we went to red sun buffet . ew i dont like chinese food- haha then ae spilled her drink [well i was responsiBlE. ha]
and OF COUUUurse it goes all over me. all over my skirt. ew i was not gonna sit in lemonade the rest of the day so i went home and got a new skirt haha
then i went out to eat with the fam n gparents.. so i had a boring friday.
what about you?
<3 <3