(no subject)

Mar 10, 2006 01:20

Hello =]....lol..shew i just figured it was time for an update since i didnt update bout last weekend i am gonna update sbout this weekend && last....YAY!!!
WEll here it is....

Last Friday::Well i came home && got on icq for a while to see what i was gonna do that night...like 1000 ppl asked me to do somthin w/ them but i eneded up doin sumthin w/ cns!, First we went to Mosby's && ate but all i got was a roll & a strawberry daquria(sp)...Then me && her went to the ba for a while && we saw tiffiany,emily,caitlin L ,caitlin P,Ciara,nicole,kristan,robbie,& ryan!....But we had to leave like an hour later but it was still fun.....So then i went home watched a movie && went to bed. cause i was really tired..lol...

Last Saturday::I woke up && had to go to my grandmothers. Real early..lol..but then she took me to Maurices && i gots a bunch of stuff which was pretty kewl..lol..That night me && caitlin Leann went to tinsletown w/my mom && her friends..lol..WE saw aquamarine which cla thought was gonna be stupid but it was actually really good...lol...Omg. Caitlin member those weird guys...lol..but then she came home w/ me && we got on icq all night && went to bed..YAY!!!!

Last Sunday::Me && cla was gonna go shoot ball w/ doug && seth but douifer was being a REtard so we didnt go..So we just stayed home && prank called ppl all day..lol...bUt i guess thats all what happened..lol..

-Nice Flip Flops*
-Wanna make out!*
-Dance to im in love w/ a stripper!!
-DOUGEY(loud scarey voice)
I know there isnt many but oh well!!!

Friday::School. Duh..lol..Shew i had to get checked out cause the STUPID FOLDER hit me in the STUPID EYE... Which hurted real badd!!!..But i got checked back in after i went to the eye doctor cause i didnt wanna miss Pre-ALgebra...but we didnt really have much of a class..We got to go outside && do w/e we wanted too..which was really fun....lol..Then that night cmc stayed w/e && we juss got on icq all night && went to bed..lol...

Saturday::me and ciara got up and went to the tannin bed at like one or somthin to that...&& cmc's mom got burnt really bad cause she fell asleep in there,,,which is kinda retarded...lol...But then we came back to her house and got ready to go to the ba...which was also awesome...We went to pick up ksw then on to the ba...YAAY..lol..When we got there it was kinda boring so me,kinzy,&&ksw walked to walmart where we saw Stephan,weston && some other kid so we walked back w/ them && bout got pulled over by the cops..lol..WE went back to the ba && saw hannah && lauren && went back to walmart!!...There were like 15 ppl walkin over there like all in a big group...it was kinda awesome..lol..Then me,ksw,hmc,lauren,&& taylor went in to little mexico && nicole,robbie,kitauna,&& ryan were there...lol...Then we all went to walmart && walked around for a while..&& Guess what?..cmc's mom came up to the ba to get me.ksw,& cmc&& me and kritan was not there..my gah she got so mad..cause she said that she told us not to walk to walmart and all this stuff but i sure didnt memeber...lol..but i dont really care its not like i wouldnt do it again cause i would..DUH!...lol..But oh well....lol..Then me && cc came back to her house which is where i am right now...lol...&& am gettin ready to get off here && go to bed...lol..

-I touched the moon
-Well i touched the butt && thats better.
-I didnt do i didnt do it
-not to share::to share YAY
-JRB is a playa....
-Ice Cubes =)
-U cant have the blue ones!!!
-Mine keeps spillin...=(
-DOnt crawl down the hill!!
Why?cause ur gonna get grass stains on your butt...
-JELlo?!?! WHere?
-Flava Flav*
-Dont Put that on ur head..Omg ur gonna get lice!!
-YOu are so not sleepin in my house..NASTY!
-I am not gonna get lice.Cause nobody is stupid enough to put on this ugly hat. WEll you did.
-Someone has summin stuck up there but...lol...
-Insane in the membrane:: Insane aitn got no brane!
-VAULT(kicks like a soda drinks like an energy drink)..I mean wait other way around!
-Rockin the boat
-I look like the Matrix
-Beautiful Robbie!

Haha!! I juss thought i would leave you w/ those randoms but i am gonna get off here!! comment me plz! Love Yall!
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