A little while ago, Elisa, Ayan, and I got together and created the following masterpiece:
For more of the goodness behind this,
Ayan and Elisa making the cupcakes. I took a break from my important duty (dancing around the kitchen) to photo blog this. For some reason, when I'm cooking with others, I have every intention to help but instead end up dancing and singing the entire time. This always gives me doubts regarding my ability to cook - maybe I just dance to shield my ego from the fact I can't cook? But, in fact, I'm quite a good cook, I just love to dance. I was especially into singing and dancing to The Lonely Island. The three of us were also plotting a project we will be embarking on, which hopefully I'll be able to showcase on the blog before the end of the summer!
Cupcakes right out of the oven. We also made marble cupcakes. However, the recipe called for a type of oil that Elisa didn't have so we had to use olive oil. In the marble cupcakes that we also made, Ayan and Elisa were convinced there was an olive taste in it but there definitely wasn't, for the record.
Impact on Elisa's kitchen. The juicebox was an integral part of the cupcake recipe. Be sure to include it when you make your own cupcakes.
Elisa's icing skills were intimidating. My cupcakes paled in comparison and she didn't hesitate to rub this in my face. Bitch.
I have a dagger! Ice one more cupcake better than mine, Elisa, and you're going to get it.
Check out these bad boys! This is The Lonely Island if they were in cupcake form. I want to make it known that I'm the pinky-orange one. I was very passionate about this color because it was once the color of a golfball I had playing mini-putt. Elisa, Ayan, which colors did you choose again?