The rest of the week is going to be so ill
Why, you ask?
- My camera is coming in.
- Friday I'm hanging out with Johnnie :D. I want to give money to someone who's giving to Romans to help Dave out.
- Saturday- Verse, Guns Up!, Have Heart, Bane, etc
- Sunday Johnnie, Bryan, Melissa, and I are going to Boston.
- Monday there is no school, meaning hangouts will happen.
God camp in New Hampshire. Everything was tight minus the speaker. I was not fond of this fellow, Dwight Night. He was a very negative person and all he did was offend people. Sadly turned me off to anything " " related.
It was sweet because I got to spend tons of time with Johnnie and Melissa.
& the first day we went in our furry hood jackets and G-unit shirts.
(Many different sized photos, sorry.)
Bus ride there:
Johnnie likes to pick at my face.
The most fun thing at camp was CARPET BALL !
Watch Out
We colored.
Tall Alex. Sup Seseame Street? HAHA.
We made hemp necklaces too.
My loves.
During lunch we got bored and turned mad hXc.
Please don't take us seriously.
Johnnie + Andy
New myspace name.
Gym got pretty crazy during group games.
So Johnnie, Melissa, and I just chilled & watched.
Cheating on me ;)
Bus ride home.
Then I went back to Johnnie's and did this.
SO a few days ago I ordered myself an Olympus Evolt E500, 8.0 Megapixel, SLR, Digital Camera with Olympus 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 Zuiko EZ Zoom Lens & Olympus 40-150mm f/3.5-4.5 Zuiko EZ Zoom Lens. All that for less than $850 bucks. :-D. I cannot wait until that baby is in my hands tomorrow.