Sep 02, 2005 20:21
Name; Kelsey
Age; 13 turning 14 in 5 weeks :D
Sex; Female.
Race; American
Birthday; October 4th
Height; 5'1''
Repub or Demo; Republican.
Abortion; Mixed feelings.
Gay Marriage; Love is love.
War in Iraq; Un neccesary, our money could be spent better ont hese underpaid teachers.
President Bush; I respect him too, kind o the same as Dark, but he is in a very tough spot as president right now.
Gas Crisis; I dont think itll effect my generation.
Muslims; Im not racist but they scare me.
Terrorists; HATE THEM.
2nd Amendment; Eh no opinon on that.
Free Speech Is There a such thing?; Yes and no. Like Dark said there is a limitation to it.
Freedom Is Or Isn't Free; Hm, I dont get this one.
Be able to drink legally under 21; Theres already enough acciidents as it is.
Why; Because if you watch law and court channels a bunch of peopel die from accidents.
Euthanasia; No opinion.
Rev. Al Sharpton; No opinion.
[Are you&randomassquestions]
Smart- Yeah sort of
Funny- Sometimes
Stupid- No
Weird- No
Gay- No
Straight- Yes
A jerk- Sometimes
Mean- Sometimes
Nice- A lot
Hot- No
Sexy- No
Cute- I guess
Ugly- No
Whats an Ionic Bond? Lalala
What's a Covalent bond? Lalala
Did you know those or did you keep the person before you's answer?; Didnt know them
What's the other side of C[squared] if A=50 B=60?; 6,100? That doesnt make sense.
Did you know the answer, or keep someone else's?; Didnt know.
What is it?: Lalala
Did you know the answer, or keep the one before?; Lalala