Yay more quizzes!

Jul 13, 2005 15:25

1) Which contest would you be most willing to compete in-a bake off, a pie eating contest, a wet tshirt contest, a spelling bee or a marathon race? Spelling bee

2) How would you prefer to die-at a public hanging, in a fire, by drowning, or by a shark attack? Public hanging

3) Which scenario would cause you to feel more guilt-accidentally shooting someone in the chest or starting a forest fire that killed thousands of animals? Accidently shooting someone in the chest

4) What would you rather drink a glass of-mud puddle water, olive oil, vinegar, or saliva? Mud puddle water

5) If you won a $1,000 shopping spree what type of store would you spend it in-toy store, electronics store, book store, clothing store or home decor store? Clothing store

6) What would you rather eat for dinner-raccoon spare ribs, deep fried gerbils, St. Bernard steak, or kitty cat stir-fry? St Bernard Steak

7) If you were poor and desperate what would you sell first-your sperm/eggs, your wedding ring, your car or your body (prostitution)? Car

8) What would you rather do-run through a preschool naked, walk across hot coals, iron your chest or staple bologna to your cheek? Run through a preschool naked

9) A friend builds a time machine and wants you to travel with him, which direction do you travel-into the past, into the future, or do you refuse to go? Future

10) What would you rather have thrown at you-an ounce of battery acid, an ice pick, five throwing stars, or fifty spiders? Fifty spider even though theyre icky

Name a Friend
x...Who do you think would look the best naked? Kevin
x...Who would you rather wrestle with? Kevin
x...Who would you rather recieve a lap dance from? Kevin
x...Who would you rather take a bath with? Kevin
x...Who do you think would look best in drag? I dont know
x...Who would you prefer to be for a day? Irin
x...Who would you rather be handcuffed to for a week? Irin
x...Who is most likely to be a prostitute? Amber
x...Who is most likely to get arrested? Amber
x...Who is the most street smart? Star
x...Who would you eat first if you were a cannibal? No one gross
x...Who would you save if you could only afford life support for one person and your three best friends were all in a tragic car accident? Irin
x...Who would you most willingly donate an organ to if they were dying? Irin
x...Who would offer to do the same for you first? IRIN
x...Who would you rather spend the night in a haunted house with? Kevin

For $1,000,000 would you...
x...murder a homeless person? No
x...eat a handful of maggots? No
x...let someone vomit into your mouth? No
x...sit on a wasps nest? No
x...spend 30 mintues letting a vulture pick at your feet? No
x...get a 666 tattoo on your forehead? Yes
x...cheat on your spouse? No
x...shave the top layer of your skin off and roll in a sandbox? No
x...star in a hardcore porno? HELL NO
x...beat up a member of the clergy? Yes
x...walk barefoot over 100 razor blades? No
x...change your ethnicity? Okay?
x...permanently glue a set of antlers to your head? No
x...urinate on an electric fence? Yes
x...swim in a septic tank? No
x...cut off one of your toes and eat it? No
x...hold a tarantula? Yes
x...spend a night alone in a known haunted house? No
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