(no subject)

Mar 13, 2004 22:52

I had an awesome day today. Crystal and I walked to the mall at 9 a.m., had some breakfast and then I headed to work. As soon as I got there, Vicki told me she'd made some changes to the schedule and wanted me to take a look at it. I figured that was a good a time as any to tell her I had to quit, so I told her about the job offer at Cotton Ginny. She took it really well though. She said she knew from the beginning that I needed something full-time, and she understands why I would take the job. She wants me to stay for a week, because apparently one of the other girls quit with no notice yesterday and she'd be stuck without me. So now there's a part-time position available there, she's putting an ad in the paper tomorrow. So if anyone's looking for a job, apply there! :) It's a really fun place to work and good money too. :) We were so busy today, it was crazy! If I got commission I'd be rich! Haha. Just kidding, I'm not that good yet. There was one lady I was helping who told my boss I was "one of the best salespeople she's ever dealt with". I was helping her pick out a sweater and when 3:00 hit, I told Vicki what she was looking for so she could continue helping her and the lady was like "Oh no, you're going home?! I wanted to put my sale through on you, so you'd get the money for it!" Vicki put it through on my number anyway though, just because we have certain amounts to acheive and if we make a lot of sales in one day, we get recognition for it. She told me I did really well today and she's sad to see me go. I'm a "strong asset" to the store apparently. Oooh I'm an asset! How exciting! :P

After work I went to Cotton Ginny to give them my schedule at Zack's. They want me to come in for a few hours during the week for training, so it looks like I'm going to be a busy bee! Here are my shifts for this week:

Monday 10-3 @ Zack's; 3:30-6:30 @ Cotton Ginny
Tuesday 10-3 @ Zack's; 6-9:30 @ Cotton Ginny
Wednesday 9:15-3:15 @ Zack's
Thursday 9:30-3:30 @ Zack's; 6-9:30 @ Cotton Ginny
Friday 3:15-9:15 @ Zack's

I don't know what I'm going to do at the mall for 3 hours between my shifts, but meh. Maybe I'll ask Greg to pick me up at 3, take me home so I can eat something and maybe take a nap [if I am le tired] and then I'll go back to the mall for 5:30 or so. I'm going to ask Crystal what her shifts are this week so we can meet for lunch one day or something. I love having friends that work in the mall!

Thank God Greg is home now. I didn't get to bed 'til 3 a.m. last night, thanks to the people across the street who were BLARING the Thunder Bay Idol try-outs and to Kaeyah for being in heat and meowing all freaking night! When I woke up at 6:30, I wanted to hit the snooze button SOOO badly, but I knew I wouldn't have time to get ready. I still can't believe we walked all the way to Intercity. It took us about 45 minutes and by the time we got there, neither of us could feel our legs, heh. It was cold today! I hate when the weather changes so quickly and dramatically like that! :( We got a hugeeee snow storm today and it sucks! So many accidents!

Anyway, it's time for me to watch MadTV and then head to bed. I have the day off tomorrow so I'm going to relax. Maybe get some housework done!

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