'Judgement is not an issue. My story is the story of my journey, the flight of my self from itself in the limitless depths of the world within, my fall, my search, my rise and my return to safe haven. I seek to find the pattern in my life, linking an incident here, a memory there, details of day-to-day existence, small yet essential to the harmonious working of the glorious whole. What difference has this life made in the grand scheme of things? What if I never was?'
- from 'The Know-All' by Rosaleen Love, in the anthology She's Fantastical, edited by Lucy Sussex and Judith Raphael Buckrich. (I first posted this quote on 30/11/04, and have now decided to make it the 'intro' to my LJ for a time, a position last held by
Walt for a couple of years).
(Edit: I let this entry pass into the natural chronology on 30/11/06, but did not choose a new 'intro' quote for my LJ until 29/01/07, when I pulled the Fred Rogers one that had been topping my bio in my LJ user info and made it the 'intro' for the time being.)