Mar 18, 2009 06:20
'stories are artifacts: not really made things which we create (and can take credit for), but preexisting objects which we dig up.'
- Stephen King, in the preamble to his short story 'Everything's Eventual', in the collection of the same name, Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales.
I'm a Stephen King fan from way back. I think he is a prime example of someone who visits the dark side but hasn't (yet) had to move there permanently. These days, it's this that fascinates me more than his skill as a writer. Here is a person who obviously embraces what is perceived as evil or bad in this world, but he also maintains a respectable career nurturing other writers.
I wonder how others see him? Do you perceive him as having a balance in his life, enough "good" to counteract the "evil"? Do you think that he just writes about these things, he doesn't do them so much, so that doesn't really count?
I go to the dark side at times. I like to visit, wouldn't wanna live there. Or would I?
the dark side,
stephen king